Tuesday, January 26, 2016


 I took these pictures because i wanted to show the different types of phones this phone is a galaxy S5 in an outer box case.
 This is a galaxy note 2 it comes with a pen and is a lot bigger then the galaxy S5 it is very high tech phone it is also a samsung its just a newer version of the galaxy phone.
This phone is part of the apple product it is one of the older iPhones it is the iPhone 5 it is also a very good phone i love the camera on all the apple products.

Monday, January 25, 2016


I love this braclet it is just something i would wear it is from the highest and the lowest point in life it just would be something cool to have..
 I chose this picture because it just meant something to me on of my close friends is battling a harsh battle of cancer every day is a diffrent I wear it to show her that i will be by her side and show my support through it all .
This neckales just caught my eye it just looked so pretty.
 These are my favorite type of shoe i like them a lot i have had them for about 3 years so they are a little woe out but the are really nice but kind of pricey shoes.
 These shoes are also not name brand they are cheap but really good shoes.
theses shoes are the knock off brand of vans they are just a lower price of shoe there are the same type of shoe they are just not name brand shoes.