Tuesday, November 10, 2015

 This picture was taken outside of the photo room it is one of the fence poles . this lock is what keeps the gate closed I thought that the way it was hanging was pretty cool.

This picture was taken outside of the fine arts building for some reason this tree caught my eye i think its because of the pea shape things hanging off of it but i really liked the features of the tree
This was a pile of leaf´ß †˙at had fallen off a tree i thought †˙at it was pretty cool because the tree was all baled and all the leaves were just piled at the bottom of it 

Monday, November 9, 2015

This is a bathroom sign in the fine arts building I find it weird that they would only have one bathroom in this building only for teachers
This picture was taken just because i like the angle and the view of it and the contrast is pretty cool to its just a different type of pictures 
This picture was taken outside of the photo room it is a pile of dirt leaves that has been there sense I have been in this class